Thursday, August 21, 2008

Say Yes!

I close friend of mine and fellow photographer Dale Derry once gave me a piece of photographic advice. Actually he has given me many, but I will focus on this one here. He said to me that if you you see something that motivates you to pick up your camera, take the dang picture. In other words, just say yes to that image. I don't know how many times I have brought my camera to my eye to capture something and then said no and put the camera down because perhaps I thought it was silly, boring, or even cliche. But since having been on the receiving end Dale's "Just say yes" advice, I do my best to say yes. Pictured here is one of those shots. I was on my way last Sunday morning to shoot an assignment for the Wall Street Journal and I came upon this building on NE Alberta Street here in Portland. I don't know why exactly I found this so interesting, but I just did, and here is the picture. I know it is no great work of art or seeing as we photographers like to say, but it does invoke some sort of good feeling inside me when I look at it.

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